Maze Women’s Sexual Health Blog

Many women experience sexual problems as they age, from decreased libido to pelvic pain. Additionally, hormonal imbalances before, during and after pregnancy can wreak havoc on women’s bodies. This Women’s Labyrinth Guide to Sexual Health addresses these common issues with compassion. Maze’s team of experts explains, diagnoses and treats sexual problems that women face throughout their lives, with extensive experience and research.

What happened to my libido?
Many women find that their libido drops dramatically after giving birth. And at that time, it makes sense – new mothers are stressed and tired. They don’t have enough time to shower, let alone have sex. Women are often told that it’s all in their heads – but in fact many factors, both physiological and psychological, contribute to her door being a “Do Not Enter” sign.
First, women are tired and stressed. . Taking care of children is more work than we ever expected. In addition, they may feel overwhelmed. Who wants to caress their nipples after they’ve just passed the morning breastfeed?
Another contributing factor to low postpartum libido is how a woman’s self-image changes after childbirth. As a mother of three, can you still be that hot girl who gets naked in her husband’s shower with soap and two glasses of wine?
When you have more responsibilities at home and kids who always seem to fall. ? a new mother can make her husband resent her. Even if he is not angry, his desire to have sex with his partner may be imbued with frustration.
And don’t forget the most important influencer…hormones! They probably changed significantly during and after pregnancy. (We are just beginning to understand the importance of hormones in a woman’s sex life and her ability to arouse.) This is not a condition that can be fixed by a glass of wine or a romantic dinner.
Because hormones are the main ingredients. . Due to a healthy sexual response, low levels of testosterone-related hormones, estrogens and DHEA can contribute to low sexual desire. If these hormones change or decrease after pregnancy, it can directly affect libido. Other factors can also affect libido, such as stress, lack of sleep, breastfeeding and limited caloric intake.
In general, a new mother should understand that her low libido is probably a combination of several problems and how to deal with it. these questions are maze women’s sexual health beginning to be more educated about her postpartum body, mind, and sexuality. Maze’s free postpartum sex e-book Women’s Sexual Health is a great place to start on this journey – it’s well worth the effort. A good sex life will make the difficult parenting years much easier for any couple.
Pelvic Torment? Don’t Endure in Silence!
For ladies who have experienced agonizing sex, fair the thought of having intercut might make them flinch. Indeed in case the torment is conflicting, it can have a weakening mental impact on a woman’s crave and excitement, and it can disintegrate her capacity to encounter sexual pleasure.
What causes pelvic pain and discomfort?
Vulvodynia is torment within the vulva that endures for over three months. The torment can be portrayed as burning, stinging, crudeness, or indeed tingling. It can happen with intercut, but habitually ladies will have torment when wearing tight clothing, or indeed whereas sitting. It can be caused by tight muscles, hormonal changes, nerve disturbance or unfavorably susceptible reactions.
Vaginismus is caused by an automatic fixing or fit of the pelvic floor muscles. The muscles can become tight sufficient to create sex awkward, excruciating, or indeed incomprehensible. When ladies have long experienced this torment, it’s known as Essential Vaginismus. (Ladies frequently gotten to be mindful of it when they are unsuccessful at embeddings a tampon or they feel muscle fits amid a speculum exam.) It is regularly went with by uneasiness and fear of any infiltration. Auxiliary Vaginismus happens when ladies have had a solid, pain-free sex life but then abruptly involvement noteworthy torment with infiltration. This can be too commonly known as pelvic floor hypertrophy, and can result from hormonal changes, post-surgical issues, medicines, menopause, or injury.

How can you treat the pain?
In spite of the fact that intercut torment might resolve itself over time, Maze Women’s Sexual Health Wellbeing proposes that ladies who are enduring look for an assessment in arrange to find and treat anything condition is causing it.
If you’ve fair had a infant, utilize birth control, or have come to menopause, it’s critical to to begin with check your hormone levels through a straightforward blood test. On the off chance that it’s a medication issue, changing your medicine may be the reply. In the event that your hormone levels are actually diminishing, hormone treatment (which can be as simple as a cream or a fix) can be accommodating and safe.
Maze Women’s Sexual Health Wellbeing too prescribes that ladies get a pelvic exam to run the show out vaginismus or vulvodynia. (In the event that you think you might have vaginismus, take Maze’s Vaginismus Test to superior get it your side effects.) For vaginismus, vaginal dilators can offer assistance dynamically extend the muscles to in the long run permit for comfortable penetration. Other medicines may incorporate hormone treatment, pelvic floor physical treatment, and counseling. Moreover your specialist might endorse a oil to create intercut simpler.
It’s vital to discover a healthcare supplier that’s gifted, learned, and prepared to treat these conditions. Painful sex isn’t fair in your head or something that will pass. In truth, indeed in case the torment is gentle, it regularly leads to diversion and misfortune of pleasure—and can cause a horrendous cycle of fear and uneasiness that all ladies ought to dodge.
Are Hormones to Blame?
Hormones are a few of our body’s greatest players. They impact temperament, craving, rest designs, memory, and mental health—and they incredibly affect maze women’s sexual health working and charisma. For ideal sexual wellbeing, it is pivotal that ladies have the correct sums of the proper sorts of hormones—estrogen, testosterone and DHEA. Maze Women’s Sexual Health Wellbeing has found a clear interface between moo hormone levels and a woman’s capacity to gotten to be stimulated (as well as the quality of her orgasms.) Ladies with a hormone awkwardness may not be able to resolve these issues without hormone therapy.

How do hormones affect a woman’s health?
Testosterone may be a male sex hormone, or androgen, created in little sums in a woman’s ovaries. Combined with estrogen, it makes a difference with the development, upkeep, and repair of a woman’s regenerative tissues, bone mass, and human behaviors. A few of the indications related with moo testosterone in ladies incorporate diminished sexual want and fulfillment, as well as a discouraged mood.
Estrogen is created within the ovaries, adrenal organs and fat tissues. As a woman ages, be that as it may, she begins to deliver less estrogen and this could have a serious affect on memory, digestion system, sexual work, temperature direction, and temperament.
DHEA may be a forerunner hormone that’s created within the adrenal organ. It makes a difference produce other hormones, counting testosterone and estrogen. Characteristic DHEA levels top in early adulthood and after that gradually drop with age. For ladies who are enduring postpartum or menopausal indications, moo moxie, dry skin, or memory misfortune, supplemental DHEA might offer relief.
It’s significant that ladies have their hormones evaluated—especially in the event that they are having sexual or regenerative issues. A basic blood test by Maze Women’s Sexual Health Wellbeing can precisely decipher hormone levels and offer assistance decide the suitable treatment.
Can hormone therapy help?
Hormone treatment by and large alludes to supplementing the body’s normal hormones with bio-identical hormones, which are molecularly the same as the characteristic ones but are man-made. Numerous bioidentical drugs are FDA endorsed items and accessible at a common pharmacy.
Estrogen treatment, more often than not alluded to as Hormone Substitution Treatment (HRT) is the foremost successful treatment for ladies enduring from extreme menopausal side effects. The treatment can be local (utilized as it were within the vaginal range) or it can be taken orally to influence the complete body. The treatment is secure for all ladies unless they have issues with vaginal dying, certain sorts of cancers, have had a stroke or heart assault, blood clots, a dying clutter or liver malady.
For a long time investigate has backed the reality that testosterone substitution treatment in men essentially impacts charisma, bone thickness, vitality levels, and disposition, so specialists tested with little sums of testosterone substitution in ladies and started to see critical and some of the time emotional results. Maze Women’s Sexual Health Wellbeing has seen thousands of patients with moo charisma advantage from testosterone. The bioidentical testosterone items come in gel or pellet frame. The gel is connected topically to the thigh and the pellet is embedded subcutaneously into the buttocks.

Maze Women’s Sexual Health has conducted extensive research into the role of hormones in women’s response and behavior. Low libido and menopausal symptoms can be the result of hormonal imbalances, which can be corrected with simple treatments to improve your quality of life.
What causes poor sexual health?
Causes of low libido
Relationship problems. Stress, anxiety or depression. Genital problems such as erectile dysfunction and erectile dysfunction. Pregnancy and childbirth – Hormone levels fluctuate during pregnancy and caring for a baby can be stressful and exhausting.
What are 3 sexual health risks?
Engaging in risky sexual behavior can lead to HIV infection, sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies among teenagers.